Under a FRESH 2021 Ricanstruction

Big up everyone out there! I wish each and every one of you wellness and blessings! As I entered 2021 one of my guiding principles was the concept of reimagining. 2020 taught many of us what has always been true though we’d somehow forgotten. That this life is one and a precious gift that isContinueContinue reading “Under a FRESH 2021 Ricanstruction”

Mindful Moments on Instagram

I’ve embarked on a new offering! In a time when anger, fear, pain, stress, anxiety and overall overwhelmedness prevails I felt called to offer some practices that have brought me much needed (at times immediate) healing. These are brief practices (1-5 minutes) that can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Hope they’re of service and letContinueContinue reading “Mindful Moments on Instagram”

Leadership, Leadership and MORE Leadership Development: #LOVE

One of my exponentially expanding joys in life is the opportunity to serve as an educator for a wide range of audiences. Be it administrators looking to enhance authenticity and balance within the workplace, clients of a psychotherapy center seeking to live more mindful and healthier lives, college students looking to grow and be ofContinueContinue reading “Leadership, Leadership and MORE Leadership Development: #LOVE”

Mindful Leadership Program

It happened!  After much growth, trauma recovery, research time spent in the inquiry of both myself and others…it happened!  I created a Mindful Leadership Program! One that seeks to support individuals in becoming more mindful, compassionate and successful leaders. I specifically formatted this experience as an 8 week leadership development program for students at WestchesterContinueContinue reading “Mindful Leadership Program”

Site Updates Coming Soon

Ladies and Gentlemen, The time has come…the following has been on my mind and within my heart for quite some time. Even further, the signs have all been there… After a refueling experience facilitated by new friend (a.k.a. long lost fam) Morris H. Ervin Jr. at OMEGA I’ve decided to more intentionally outline and share my offerings. IContinueContinue reading “Site Updates Coming Soon”

Leadership Developments! That’s what I’ve been up to : )

Yo! When I say it has been an amazingly intense few months I am by no means overdramatizing what my days have been looking like. They’ve been a BEAUTIFUL and quite often CHALLENGING (because I’ve pulled myself out of my own comfort zone so that I too can grow in the service of others) mix of intentionalContinueContinue reading “Leadership Developments! That’s what I’ve been up to : )”